Friday, April 07, 2006

Have money in your head, not your heart

So a couple days ago on the return trip home, I once again saw my nemesis in clear site. The big red monster that eats money, and then in return will spew out magical tokens used to get into the station. Again, Mr. Red was winking at me, his eye glowed of the words "Out of Service." I was about to turn and walk off when I see a lady flirt with Mr. Red. Mr. Red wasn't being responsive at all, actually he was rejecting the lady's kind offer of coins (maybe she wasn't paying him enough to get a response.....). After a few more tries, the lady stares up and looks at Mr. Red's winking eye. She looks back down and continues to try to get a response from Mr. Red. Out of the corner of my eye, a man quickly walk towards the couple. This man (I'll call him Bob) pulls from out of his pocket a magical token. *Is this guy for real? Scalping tokens?!?!?!* So he gives the token to the lady and asks for the money. The lady gives him $2.10 because that's how much a token is worth, but Bob is not satisfied, he wants $2.75 because that's the price of one non-token using trip. Didn't really make sense to me, but the lady gave him the extra 65 and went off to the booth to enter the station. In about as much time as I had to think "What the heck?" Bob already zoomed over to one of the side entrance booths where an older gentleman was having trouble with putting in the magical token into the slot. Bob whips out from no where a metropass, the all you can eat station pass, and he swipes it on the system to allow the man to enter. After the man thanks Bob and goes in, Bob reaches into the excess dispense spot on the machine and retrieves the token that fell through from the old man. Wow, this guy is impressive. Bob then looks around and walks towards the exit, I follow. As Bob reaches the exit, looking all around (maybe he's being followed by a station guard with cattleprods), he quickly swings 180 and walks straight for Mr. Red again. I smirk and quickly exit the station to my car that's parked under a hydro poll that keeps buzzing like an electric fly killer.

To follow up with the above, I was leaving from the station last night and lo and behold, Bob was there the same blue jacket and today's newspaper. Wow, he's very persistant. I wonder how much does Bob makes?