Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Only constant in Life: Change

Alright, this was weird. I was still logged into another blog that I have while I wrote this thinking it was for Door's Rant and Rave. I'm now transfering this blog over here. This was for yesterday (Monday, March 27th, 2006). *siggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

Yet again the weekend has gone and past and I'm left with another memory to stack and lock into the vault. Once in a while, a stray memory slips out of the vault and decides to run a marathon in my grey matter. Depending on the content, I either chase/beat it down and lock it away again or let it run its course and enjoy the brief company.

It is strange how we know for sure that something IS for a fact. 5 centuries ago, everyone KNEW that the world was flat for a fact. 5 decades ago, everyone KNEW that after the war ended, peace was going to set in place forever, 5 years ago, everyone KNEW that the States had the tightest security. Very much with the story of many lives, we all KNEW the facts, before the truth was brought in front of us. This "truth" made us think, rethink, question ourselves, and finally accept these new facts until futher notice.

My life has been simular to this. At 5 years old, I KNEW that my house was the biggest one ever built, at 10 years old, I KNEW that all girls had kooties, at 15 years old, I KNEW that I wanted to go into computer science and program for a huge gaming company, at 20 years old, I KNEW that the dot com boom wasn't going to go *BOOM*. As time progressed, I knew one thing for certain, there was nothing I could say I knew for certain.

C'est La Vie! eh?