Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blog Tag, I'm IT....for now....

Alright, so my good friend Winnie has tagged me and I think I should just play along with the game here. I'm supposed to write 5 things about myself (supposedly that people don't know) and then pass it along and tag 5 other people. I have a feeling some people may have been tagged already..but I can still tag them again...and again...and get my drift.
Without further adieu......that's correct spelling right?.....hmmm.....

1) Although born and raised in Canada, my natural language is not English it is actually Cantonese.
2) I had to go to ESL for 2 years (because the teacher believed my control of the English language was not good enough) (I think I'll blog about this some day)
3) I think my tearducts malfunction.....I tend to cry much easier than most males.....I think......damn..Bamby's mother.....di....di....die....died......WAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
4) Hukt on Fonix did not work for me, I have trouble saying things phonetically...hence my spelling isn't the best either....
5) Some people in Elementary school thought that I was from Hong Kong and still does not know that I'm born in Canada.

All right, it's time for me to bounce these over to. Unfortunatly, I don't really read a lot of other people's blogs, so I guess........tag kinda ends here. Sorry Winnie....I'm a dud here. But thanks, I can maybe start blogging again....maybe...just maybe.......